March 2011

18th Mar 2011

Are you using social media to help with innovation?

Facebook and Twitter are now an established part of many people’s lives. As such, any business looking to communicate with customers and potential customers must at least consider using social media.

18th Mar 2011

Many markets appear saturated these days. Analysis may reveal that established players dominate and that the required marketing spend to compete presents a high barrier to entry. It’s enough to put off many potential entrants.

But look again and you may be able to see such markets with ‘fresh eyes’. You might be able to spot the traditional business model, predictable marketing strategy and well worn distribution strategy...and find scope to innovate.

18th Mar 2011

Struggling to differentiate your crowdsourcing from your customer co-creation? Grappling with protecting versus managing intellectual property(IP)?

Don’t worry, help is at hand in the form of a new book.

Comprehensive and practical help! That’s our overall verdict on Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing, edited by Paul Sloane.